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DDPCShares is not endorsed or affiliated with the Double Down Facebook game, Double Down Interactive LLC, IGT or their affiliates.

DDPC Articles
Free Chips
  Post by: KittyKat
Hello community, I would like to touch on an issue that I think needs addressing and will clarify a lot of confusion around why you are getting an "already redeemed" message upon clicking on our links. First and foremost, I need you all to understand that we are simply a fan page, ran by people like you, who play the game. Everything we have on our website is designed to make your experience better when playing Double Down Casino. We are not affiliated with them in any way. The codes that we post to our website come directly from Double Down Casino. We DO NOT create, generate, or distribute our own codes or links. Every code that is posted on this website comes from Double Down Casino themselves. The great thing about Double Down Casino is they will send its players free chips or spins daily, on multiple platforms. But not everybody is on social media, or wants to receive promotional emails, or what have you. This is where we come in. We act as a safe space for players to visit and collect chipsEMAIL CODES Look like this in your inbox: https: Look like this on our website: https: NOTIFICATION CODES Look like this on Facebook: https: Look like this on our website: https: SOCIAL MEDIA CODES Will look similar to this depending on the platform: https: Look like this on our website: https: If you are clicking and redeeming the links directly from Double Down Casino, they will be expired by the time you try to collect off our website, and that's totally okayJust because you visit our website and you hadn't clicked one of our links yet does not mean you haven't already claimed that code elsewhere via social media, email, notification, etc. Thanks for reading! And thanks for being the best part of DDPCshares!
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Free Chips
  Post by: KittyKat
Hello community, I would like to clarify a common theme I am noticing when people are attempting to report 'broken codes', 'broken links', etc. It usually always begins with this sentence.... "link XYZ didn't work for me". There is a massive difference between links simply not working, and links you have already redeemed. If you click on a link, and you receive this pop-up: https: It DOES NOT mean the link doesn't work. The link does work - you just aren't eligible to redeem it, likely because you already have, or it has expired. We cannot do anything about this. Please do not contact us for support over this issue. If you click on a link, and you receive this pop-up: https: Just try to redeem the code a little bit later. We can only redeem so many codes before reaching the limit. This will reset, just be patient. If you click on a link, and receive this: https: BROKEN LINK The link is having issues redirecting you back to the game to redeem the prize. THIS is something we CAN fix. If this happens to you, please reach out via [email protected] or by sending us a message on Facebook. This usually happens when someone is redeeming via mobile. If you click on a link, and receive this: https: BROKEN LINK OR WEBSITE IS DOWN The link either needs to be fixed, or we are experiencing issues with the website. Again, this is something you can reach out to us for help with. See above for the contact info. Thanks for reading, and thanks for being the best part of DDPCshares :) ~ Kitty Kat aka Kit Kat :lol:
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Free Chips
  Post by: KittyKat
Important note: Diamond Level only increases through chip purchases, not gameplay. Initially, it might have increased for minor actions, but now it's solely based on chip sales. Click on the diamond icon at the top of the game to view your information. Diamond codes are specific to your color. CODES WHITE - 28BH672 - 300,000 CHIPS - https:ROYAL ORCHID - 12XCVIO - 1,000,000 CHIPS - https: Disclaimer: this code was originally sent to us with no information with it - the 1,000,000 code we posted earlier is actually the Royal Orchid tier. Most people seem to have collected it, luckily, so if it says 'expired' for you - you likely already redeemed it earlier. March 12th, 2024 update - I have fixed the link to properly redirect everyone to the game COPY AND PASTING LINKS 1. Find the Link: First, locate the link you want to copy. This link is usually blue and underlined, and it starts with "https://" or "www." It could be in an email, a message, or a document. 2. Highlight the Link: Click once on the link to select it. When you do this, the link will become highlighted, usually in blue. 3. Copy the Link: Once the link is highlighted, right-click on it. A small menu will appear. Move your mouse down to where it says "Copy" and click on it. This action will copy the link to your computer's memory. 4. Open Your Web Browser: Now, open your web browser. This could be Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, or Microsoft Edge. You can usually find the browser icon on your desktop or in the taskbar at the bottom of your screen. 5. Paste the Link: Once the browser is open, click once inside the address bar at the top of the browser window. Then, right-click again and choose "Paste" from the menu that appears. This action will paste the link you copied into the address bar. 6. Go to the Link: Finally, press the "Enter" key on your keyboard or click the "Go" button next to the address bar. This will take you to the website associated with the link you copied. We will update this if we get more. As always thank you for being the best part of DDPCShares! ~DDPCShares
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Free Chips
  Post by: KittyKat
Just click on the mailbox icon, and voila! When your INBOX pops up, simply hit the GIFTS tab right next to it. Sending gift spins has never been easier! Whether you're on your computer or iPhone, you'll find the mailbox waiting for you - it's either at the top or bottom! Did you know you need to adjust your settings to receive gifts from friends? Make sure you're getting all your daily gift spins! We're here to make sure you're in the loop about everything DoubleDown! For PC or Laptop users: Head to settings > privacy > How people Find and Contact you > Who can send you Friend requests – Edit Everyone. For iPhone users: Navigate to settings > privacy > privacy settings > Who can send you friend requests – Edit to Everyone. Send gifts to your friends every day and watch your stash grow! If your gift spins suddenly stop working, reach out to Double Down Casino for assistance: ***Note: If you find the gift box darkened and unclickable, just head back to the homepage, and your gift spins will light back up. Thanks for being the BEST part of DDPCShares! Keep shining! 🌟
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Free Chips
  Post by: KittyKat
Hello everyone, I've received several questions regarding the colourful stars that are awarded while playing Lucky Orbs. The kicker? According to Double Down Casino, they aren't even stars'crystals'. So, what are these pretty, little crystals and what are they good for? Well, they're actually pretty important when it comes to Lucky Orbs. Crystals are located at the top left, near the Lucky Orb logo. Here is a photo of what it looks like when an Orb is ready to be collected: https: Notice the player currently has 10 Crystals they have collected. They were awarded to the player by opening a previous Orb. https: Now, let's take a look at what this Orb has inside. This Orb has a chip reward of up to 120,000. In addition to the chips, this player also has the chance to receive another 2-6 Crystals, 1-3 Bingo balls, and 1 pack of Wonder Cards. https: After the player collects the Orb, the prize is officially unlocked. Here is what the player won off this Orb: https: 84,000 chips, 4 Crystals, 2 Bingo Balls, and 1 Wonder Card pack is the prize for this Orb. Now, the player has a total of 14 crystals. https: BUT WHAT DO I DO WITH THEM? The Crystals are used to unlock the Orbs faster - skip the waiting period and unlock your awards immediatelyhttps: Common Rare Superior Epic Legendary The amount you bet will determine which Orb you will have the chance to receive. Higher bets, better quality Orbs! And of course, Double Down Casino has their own article on Lucky Orbs, which also touches on Flame Power. Give theirs a read, too.
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Free Chips
  Post by: KittyKat
Hey there, pals! Let's make sure you're all set up to receive notifications from DoubleDown on your Android device. Whether you're rocking OS 8.0 & above, OS 6.0 - OS 7.1.2, or below OS 6.0, we've got you covered! And if you're using a Kindle Fire, we'll sort you out too! For Android devices on OS 8.0 & above: Open your Settings app. Tap on Apps & Notifications. Find DoubleDown in the list and tap on it. Tap on App Notifications and switch it on. For Android devices on OS 6.0 - OS 7.1.2: Open your Settings app. Scroll down and tap on Apps. Find DoubleDown in the list and tap on it. Tap on Notifications and switch off the Block option. For Android devices below OS 6.0: Open your Settings app. Scroll down and tap on Application Manager. Find DoubleDown in the list and tap on it. Look for Show notifications and make sure it's checked. For Kindle Fire: Swipe down to open the device menu. Tap on More... Tap on Applications. Tap on Notification Settings. Find DoubleDown in the list and switch it on. Remember, it's important to tap or swipe within the notification itself to activate it. Just opening the app won't do the trick! Oh, and unfortunately, you can't share those extra coins with anyone – bummer, right? Thanks a bunch for being the absolute best part of DDPCShares! We're here to make sure you're getting the most out of your DoubleDown experience! Cheers to happy gaming! 🌟
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Free Chips
  Post by: KittyKat
Hey there, awesome folks! Welcome to DDPCShares – your go-to spot for all things DoubleDown Casino! We're your #1 Code Sharing Fan Page, dedicated to bringing you the latest and greatest promotion codes for the DoubleDown Casino game. Yep, that's us at, always keeping you in the loop with our up-to-the-minute codes! Getting those coins and diving into the game is a breeze when you stick with us – we've got your back! Now, when it comes to helping out our fellow DDPC fans, we're all about lending a hand. If you ever run into a snag, be sure to check here first to see if we've got an article covering the topic: While we're here to share the love and spread the joy of DoubleDown Casino, we don't have any control over the coins in your bank, your game level, or any technical glitches you might encounter. We're just here to share those sweet codes and help out as best we can! So, if you're ever in a pickle or have questions about your game, please reach out to DoubleDown Casino directly – they're the experts and can assist with all sorts of game-related issues. You can find them here: And hey, if you're new around here, be sure to check out our rules to keep things smooth sailing: So stick with us, fellow DoubleDown Casino enthusiasts! We'll keep the codes coming and the free coins flowing – because you all truly are the BEST part of DDPCShares! Thanks a million for being part of our amazing community! 🌟
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Free Chips
  Post by: KittyKat
Want to make DoubleDown Casino even more fun? Invite your friends to join in on the excitement! You can send each other cool gifts and boost your Friend Bonus on the Daily Wheel. Now, we've heard some folks feeling a bit bummed because they invited a friend to play DoubleDown Casino, but didn't receive the promised One Million Chips. Let's clear that up! To invite friends, head over to the gifts console in the game and click on "Invite Friends." You'll see a list of your Facebook friends – just pick the ones you want to invite and hit that "Invite Friends" button. A Facebook prompt will pop up showing your chosen friends and the message they'll receive. Simply click "Send Requests" to send it off. Now, here's the deal: If your friend accepts your invite and joins DoubleDown Casino through it, you'll score a cool 1,000,000 FREE CHIPS! But make sure to tell your friend about your invite and encourage them to use it – that's super important! Quick tip: Your friend needs to be new to the game for you to get the bonus. So, if they just download DoubleDown Casino on their own, without clicking through your invite, no friend bonus for you, unfortunately! If everything's done right, you'll get a pop-up in the game announcing your free gift – how awesome is that? If you're using the DoubleDown Casino mobile app, just launch the app, log in with your Facebook-connected account, and tap on the friends icon. From there, hit "Invite Friends" and follow the same steps as above. Remember, there are other ways to invite friends through Facebook itself, but to earn those bonus chips, the invitation has to be sent directly from within DoubleDown Casino. If you've done all the steps and still don't get your chips, don't worry! Just reach out to DoubleDown Casino and let them know. Make sure to include the name of the friend you invited. Thanks a million for being the absolute best part of DDPCShares! You folks truly make our day brighter! 🌟
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Free Chips
  Post by: KittyKat
Hey there, lovely players! Let's chat about those smarturl links from DoubleDown Casino – I'll do my best to make it crystal clear for you! So, when DoubleDown Casino shares a smarturl link, they attach a special value and code letters to it. You'll often find this link at with "double down" in the link. Now, I won't put the actual link here for safety reasons, but just know it's the same link every time they post this kind of code. Now, picture this: You pop by DDPCShares, maybe not every single day, but you swing by and grab a code for 200K coins two days ago and it works like a charm. Then, you come back today, and DoubleDown Casino uses the same smarturl link again, but this time it's for 150K coins. You click it, and it says "already used." Bummer, right? But hold on – you check out today's codes, and there's another smarturl code for 200K coins. Excitedly, you click it, only to see the same "already used" message. And now you're upset. What gives? Well, here's the scoop: When you grabbed that first 200K code, you actually snagged today's 200K coins. That's all you'll get because the code is only good until they post a new one with a new value and new code letters. Sneaky, right? So, it's a good idea to check back daily just in case! But hey, sometimes DoubleDown Casino skips a smarturl day – they keep us on our toes! Oh, and quick reminder: DDPCShares has to use DoubleDown's links for codes. That smarturl link? It's straight from them! Thanks a million for being the absolute best part of DDPCShares! We appreciate each and every one of you!
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Free Chips
  Post by: KittyKat
Got a little tip to keep those DoubleDown Casino vibes flowing smoothly on your device Remember to clear that cache, close out those background apps, and keep those updates coming for DoubleDown Casino and Facebook! Thanks a million for being the absolute BEST part of DDPCShares! You folks light up our world! 🌟
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Free Chips
  Post by: KittyKat
NEED HELP WITH SOMETHING? We can help with anything related to our website, but usually anything beyond that we cannot help you with. So, I'll take you through a few examples of what we CAN'T help you with: "All my chips are gone from my account." We can't help with this. You'll need to reach out to DDC. "I purchased chips but they aren't on my account." We can't help with this. You'll need to reach out to DDC. "I won _____ in a jackpot and didn't receive it." We can't help with this. You'll need to reach out to DDC. "I got a connection error while playing and don't have my chips." We can't help with this. You'll need to reach out to DDC. "I got a connection error and lost my free spins." We can't help with this. You'll need to reach out to DDC. "The link says expired or already redeemed." We can't help with this. You might have already claimed it at some point, if not, reach out to DDC. Here are some examples of what we can help with: "Your website isn't loading for me." We could possibly be having server issues. Reach out to us: [email protected] or on Facebook Messenger. "When I click on a link, I get an error." The link could possibly be broken, we can fix this. Reach out to us: [email protected] or on Facebook Messenger. "I get a black screen while trying to play." This is usually a cache issue - while it is outside of our control, I can help walk you through the steps needed to get it fixed. Just reach out via [email protected] or on Facebook Messenger. HELPFUL RESOURCES Open a ticket with DDC: https:Ticket Guide: https:Already redeemed links: https:Broken codes vs already redeemed links: https:DDPCShares is not endorsed or affiliated with the Double Down Facebook game, Double Down Interactive LLC, IGT or their affiliates.
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Free Chips
  Post by: KittyKat
Hey there, lovely players! We're bursting with excitement to tell you about the latest and greatest addition to the DoubleDown Casino games – it's something super cool called Quick Stop! So, picture this: You hit that spin button and watch the reels go wild, right? Well, now there's this nifty square symbol that pops up, signaling that you can hit that button again to stop those reels in a flash! How awesome is that? Now, I gotta mention, it might not be available on every single game just yet, but hey, it's worth a shot! So why not give it a whirl and see how you like it? We're all about making your gaming experience even more exciting and enjoyable! Thanks a ton for being the absolute BEST part of DDPCShares! You folks truly rock our world! 🎉
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Free Chips
  Post by: KittyKat
Hey there! If you're having a bit of trouble snagging those free chips on your Android device, no sweat! We've got a super easy fix for you. Instead of using the Facebook app, hop on over to DoubleDown Casino through your web browser, like Chrome. Here's what you gotta do: 1. Open up your browser and head to 2. Make sure you're logged in with the same Facebook account linked to your DoubleDown Casino. 3. Now, swing by the DoubleDown Casino Facebook page ( 4. Tap on the link for the offer you want to redeem. 5. Boom! The DoubleDown Casino app will pop up, and you'll get your promo goodies just like that! Thanks a bunch for being the absolute BEST part of DDPCShares! We're here to make sure you're having a blast every step of the way! 🌟
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Free Chips
  Post by: KittyKat
Hey there! I've noticed some folks having trouble with their chips not showing up in their bank after using a link. No worries, we'll get it sorted out! So, here's the deal: When you redeem a code and the box pops up with your coins, make sure you don't accidentally close it (that sneaky "X" button!). If you do, sadly, the chips won't make their way to your bank. It used to be that they'd just magically appear when you opened the page, but not anymore! Now, you've gotta click "Continue" on your computer or "Okay" on your phone when that pop-up box shows up. Thanks a bunch for being the absolute BEST part of DDPCShares! We're here to help you out every step of the way! 🌟
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Free Chips
  Post by: KittyKat
Hey there! I've noticed that sometimes it's tricky to tell the difference between certain letters and numbers when folks are sharing codes. Even I've mixed up a "Z" with a "2" before! It happens to the best of us, right? So, here's a handy tip to keep things clear: If you're ever unsure if a letter is a zero or an "O," or if those "I's" are actually "L's" or vice versa, just remember this little rhyme: "L looks like L, I looks like ii, O looks like O, and 0 is always zero!" Easy peasy, right? Hope that clears things up! Oh, and don't forget, codes usually have a pretty short shelf life – around 3 to 5 days, depending on the type. So, if you've got a hot deal, make sure to jump on it quick! Just a heads-up: There's no longer a list of active codes since they switched to 7 digits. But hey, no worries! We'll keep you updated on all the latest and greatest deals. Thanks a bunch for being the absolute BEST part of DDPCShares! You're amazing! 🎉
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Free Chips
  Post by: KittyKat
Hey there! Tired of scrolling through all the games to find your favorite every time you play? Well, here's a neat trick for you! Just before you hit "PLAY NOW," look for a little heart icon to the left. Click on that heart, and ta-da! The game becomes your favorite, and a special folder is created just for you. Now, whenever you go back to the lobby, you'll see a "FAVORITES" section in the drop-down list, and there are all your favorite games waiting for you! You can add up to 30 games, so go ahead and pick your best ones! On your phone, it's even easier! Just tap on "FAVORITES" on the left side of the game, and then tap to add your games! If you're playing on a PC or Mac, after you click to launch a slot game, look for a grey heart icon next to the "PLAY NOW" button. Click on that heart to add the slot to your favorites. The heart will turn pink to show it's been added. To remove a game from your favorites, simply tap and hold its icon from within the Favorites tab. Quick note: If you're using an Android device with an older version of the operating system, you might not see this feature. But don't worry, future updates will require Android OS 5.0 or higher, so keep an eye out for those! Good luck, and most importantly, have fun! Thanks for being the absolute best part of DDPCShares! 🌟
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Free Chips
  Post by: KittyKat
Hey there, wonderful players! So, to make sure you're getting the most out of DoubleDown Casino on Facebook, the app needs a few permissions from your account. If anything changes in these settings, you might run into some hiccups and need to tweak those permissions back to normal. Don't worry, though – we've got you covered! If you ever find yourself unable to access DoubleDown Casino, just give these steps a whirl: Thanks a bunch for being the absolute BEST part of DDPCShares! You're awesome! 🌟
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Free Chips
  Post by: KittyKat
If you're seeing a message like, "This promo is not available to you at this time," it might just be a case of a little oopsie in how you entered the code. Easy fix! Double-check those letters and digits – like O vs 0 or 1 vs I – and make sure everything's in uppercase. Oh, and watch out for sneaky extra spaces! Keep it clean and tidy, and you'll be redeeming like a pro. Now, if you're getting hit with a "This promotion is no longer active" message, it could be that you've already snagged that sweet deal or it's past its expiration date. And remember, "This promotional link is invalid or has expired" basically means it's time to let go – expired stuff, you know? Thanks for being the absolute best part of DDPCShares! You rock! 🎉
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Free Chips
  Post by: KittyKat
DDPCShares is a secure haven for players like you, eliminating concerns about fake surveys, scams, and malicious malware from deceitful DoubleDown pages online. Here are essential guidelines to maintain our community as the ultimate fan site for the premier Facebook game app. Non-compliance will result in an immediate ban, no questions asked As of 06.07.2024 we no longer allow our links to be copy and pasted elsewhere. No GIFs or Large Pictures, Please Remember, we are not DoubleDown Casino. Reserve thanks for spins and coins on their pages only. Do not defame DoubleDown Casino, affiliates, DDPCshares, staff, or community members. Defamation includes statements that negatively portray individuals, businesses, products, groups, governments, religions, or nations. Maintain a Positive Environment We have zero tolerance for complaints or code begging. Let's keep the community positive and peaceful. No Links to Other DoubleDown Fan Pages Permission granted only after verification. Most other pages are phishing scams. Do not post links. Valid pages can PM for a potential link exchange. No Discussing Chip Purchases Concerns about chip packages must be directed to DoubleDown's Support Team via https: Avoid discouraging others from participating in DoubleDown Casino's chip purchasing programs due to personal opinions. No Spamming Repeated messages in forums or on our Facebook page may lead to a posting ban. No Multiple Accounts If you forget your password, use the password link or contact support. Creating additional accounts after a ban will result in further measures. No Code Posting or Begging We share codes; we don't create them. Send codes via email to [email protected] No code posting or begging on our page. Remember, our mission is to provide a safe environment to discuss all things DoubleDown Casino and share promotion codes without spam or scams. These rules are subject to change, so please review them periodically. By participating, you acknowledge and understand these guidelines. Note: DDPCshares is not endorsed or affiliated with DoubleDown Casino, Facebook application, DoubleDown LLC, IGT, or affiliates. We are the #1 Fan page created for fans, by players like you Thank you for being the BEST part of DDPCShares!
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Free Chips
  Post by: KittyKat
If you need to contact DDC, it's best to include every piece of information in your first point of contact (opening the ticket) so they can begin to amend your issue right away. They don't want to spend a lot of time with the back and forth of gathering info - much like us here at DDPCshares when we are trying to help you. So, I thought it might be a good idea to create a template, or checklist rather, of info needed when contacting DDC. First, you will want to click this link to begin opening your ticket: https:(if you would like to chat with DDC about their services and products) - Technical Issue - Purchase Issue - Submit Feedback (if you have your own ideas or suggestions for their services and products) - Issue with a promotion - Emails (having issues with receiving emails or still receiving them after opting out) I will walk you through creating a ticket for Technical Issues, Purchase Issues, and Issue with a promotion. Once you have selected your reason for contact, fill in the form until you get to the (Description*) box. This is where you will explain what your issue is, and it is very important not to leave anything out. Take note of what my checklist is asking for and gather the info. Then, copy and paste my checklist into the description box and fill it out there. You can copy the whole thing or just choose what you think is most relevant to your issue. TECHNICAL ISSUE Explanation of problem: Duration of problem: The device I am using (iPhone, Android, computer, etc): SoftwarePURCHASE ISSUE Explanation of problem: Purchase made: Date of purchase or attempt to purchase: Receipt details: Error messages: ISSUE WITH A PROMOTION (confirm if you've already redeemed) Error received: Manual code: I was supposed to receive: The device I am using (iPhone, Android, computer, etc): Be sure to include screenshots and images in your ticket as well. They will help get your problem addressed sooner. If you don't know how to take a screenshot, here is DDC's walkthrough:
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DDPCShares is not endorsed or affiliated with the Double Down Facebook game, Double Down Interactive LLC, IGT or their affiliates.