Why do I not see DDPCshares in my facebook page newsfeed?

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Why do I not see DDPCshares in my facebook page newsfeed?

Post by Blondie » Thu Mar 29, 2018 3:44 pm

Why do I not see DDPCshares in my facebook page newsfeed? Facebook has new Algorithms. People have to like and follow our page. Facebook wants to know you are interested in this type of post. You must post in the messages regularly to let them know you want our posts to show in your Newsfeed.

Be sure you have LIKED our page and made it SEE FIRST. Click a "reaction" to our posts. Maybe try using the heart or the laugh or the WOW surprise instead of just using the "Like" to show you are interested in the post. Then make a comment. These actions show Facebook it is the type of content you want to see.

We suggest you come directly to DDPCShares daily. When Facebook does send codes, they are not timely and sometimes now in order prompting the question "I have code 4, where are 1 through 3"? Please check our page regularly and do not depend on your newsfeed.

Thanks for being the best part of DDPCShares!

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