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Understanding DDC Error Messages

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2018 2:37 pm
by Blondie
The new codes have caused some issues for those of you typing in the codes. I notice myself that some codes just do not like to be typed in...even if I am using the correct characters. Some need the link. In an effort to answer questions, I wrote to DDC and asked specifically what the new error messages mean.

If you receive an error message that says: "This promo is not available to you at this time" when trying to redeem a promotional code this could be the result of an issue with how you entered in the code. It is often operator error. Make sure you are using the correct letters/digits 0 vs O, or I vs 1, etc.

If you entered the code in using lowercase letters that could be the cause of your experience. Please try to enter the code in using only uppercase letters. Also, any extra spaces when you entered the code could be causing the error. When redeeming codes through manual entry via the "Promo Code" field on the buy chips screen please make sure you only enter the actual characters for the promo code itself. If you copy and paste the code and have any empty spaces before or after the code you will receive this error message. If you use upper case letter and remove the spaces you should be able to redeem the code as normal or you can always click the promo link.

If you see an error message that says: "This promotion is no longer active." then it may be a promo code you have already redeemed or it is now expired. Also This promotional link is invalid or has expired usually means EXPIRED.

If you would like to provide the promo code you are having trouble redeeming, or the subject line of the email promo you are having trouble redeeming,DDC can look it up on your account to tell you when it was applied or confirm that it is expired.

Just FYI, I typed in a code, it was perfect, I had no spaces, I checked the letters and numbers carefully. I went and copied/pasted the code and it took. Please Keep Trying!! Do not think if you do not get a code first time that it is a bad code. KEEP TRYING!! Try LINK, Try Typing in post, Copy and Paste does not always work, watch for spaces at beginning and END of codes. The LINKS WORK! Get them here!

This is an informational post. Comments only about this topic PLEASE!