Bingo Card Mini Game

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Bingo Card Mini Game

Post by KittyKat » Thu Mar 21, 2024 7:49 am

Each day when you log in, you're gifted with 2 free Bingo Calls. How cool is that?

And here's the exciting part: Once you score your FIRST Bingo, you win some coins and unlock a special booster for an entire hour! During this Booster Hour, Bingo calls come flying at you faster, especially when you snag a Pyramid card.

Just a friendly heads-up: Make sure you're ready to play Bingo when you've got the time and the funds to enjoy it fully.

After your first Bingo victory, you'll receive a fresh card. This time, the goal is to hit 4 Bingos on that card before you unlock another reward. Once you achieve 4 Bingos, you enter the Major stage, where Bingo calls speed up even more for two thrilling hours!

But wait, there's more! After Major comes Grand. To reach the Grand stage, you'll need to score a whopping 7 Bingos on a single card. And guess what? You'll stay in the Grand stage until Bingo resets, which happens every few days. Talk about a wild ride!

Wishing you all the best of luck on your Bingo adventures. Thanks for being such an awesome part of DDPCShares!

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